Feeling forced into sexual intercourse or oral sodomy and threatened with a death unless one complies, leaves the victim with a rape trauma syndrome accompanied with a blame and anger management issues.

The rape trauma syndrome is indicative of lack of consent and is defined as a set of symptoms obtained from raped women and less information is available on male victims (Kiss and Harvey, 1991). The rape trauma syndrome consists of two phases, one is acute and the other involves the recovery period. The rape trauma syndrome contains clearly defined criteria and reactions including sexual dysfunction, depression, fear and anxiety, similar to post-traumatic stress disorder but is more specific.

rapists have anger management issues

Rapists have significant anger management issues, they are violent and different types of rapists exist. Hazelwood (1987) an offender profiler, proposes ‘the power-assertive rapist’ who exhibits extreme violence and asserts power over women, ‘the anger-retaliatory rapist’ has extremely high anger management issues towards women, holds grudge against women and the rape will involve degrading activities (Howitt, 2002). The rapist types with high levels of anger management issues refute the myths surrounding rape that women cannot be raped against their will, that they wish to be raped and that most accusations of rape are fake (Brownmiller, 1975).

After having been raped, the victims go through acute phase that lasts days or weeks, will be in a stat of shock, scared, anxious and worried and some might feel suicidal (Veronen et al., 1979; Kilpatrick et al., 1985). May victims will be shocked, the experience of the trauma of rape will disrupt their life patterns, and they will suffer from guilt, hostility and blame. Some victims are left with blame and anger management issues and will blame men in general and society. Meyer and Taylor (1986) found that 11% of rape victims blamed men in general. Those generalizations with anger management issues directed at men could impede the victims general functioning and intimate relationships. During the recovery stage, that can lasts anything from a few months to a few years, the victims can suffer from phobias, disturbances in general functioning, sexual problems that include reduced subjective experience and lack of enjoyment of sex and less desire to engage in sexual activities (Wrightsman and Alison, 1993).

The anger management issues following a rape are a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder and a long-term and unresolved anger management issues will sabotage and deteriorate intimate relationships. If you want to book for anger management to resolve your trauma memories and believes call or text Leona Sears at Anger Therapy London directly on 07505124933.