Anger Management by Court Order
The consequences of anger management issues are not only limited to our relationships but can in some cases also extend to police, social services or court involvement. Following chronic, repeated and violent outbursts of anger some people instead of using primary preventative steps through counselling or couples therapy support, instead choose to seek as primary support police or social services. Once the police and social services get involved, and a fight over custody of the children starts, the court could also get involved. In some cases, your judge may decide that one of you two or both of you might need anger management sessions. Please click on the below link to find out more about anger management by court order: http://www.angermanagementcentrallondon.co.uk/2017/07/25/court-order-anger-management/
The prospect of the anger management sessions combined with trying to deal with an anticipatory separation, divorce or break-up can be a daunting experience and finding the right practitioner that you will feel comfortable with is important. Try to contact as many places as possible, ask as many questions as you can and read reviews to get a sense what would working with your therapist would be like. If you would like to find out more about how we work, please do hesitate reading through our many reviews. This particular review is from a former client who completed anger management sessions by court order: http://www.angermanagementcentrallondon.co.uk/reviews/