anger management work issues
This articles aims to illuminate some questions you may have around anger management issues that could lead to unintentional harm at work. If you are developing serious anger issues in the work context and have an urge to attack others, you might have many questions about the whole process and you might find this article informative. My knowledge and writing comes from my doctorate thesis on aggression in work context and my skills gained from my private practice in the past ten years.
I would suggest that you try to consider seeking support such as the one with me, where we can explore what is causing your anger and how could we fix it. The reason for the self-referral will be that by discussing your issues with someone that might have ample of research and clinical experience in this area, might improve your overall well-being, improve your communication skills, acquire appropriate conflict resolution skills, will prevent you from taking the wrong decisions that could negatively impact not only your personal life and relationships but it could also prevent being dismissed which I will discuss later.

anger management issues and work conflict
Overall, the relevant research literature shows that people feel unsupported by human resources staff when it comes to anger management issues or conflicts in the work context. This is because primarily anger management issues or workplace bullying is a particular subject that needs to be studied and understood in-depth. If your human resources staff lacks adequate knowledge on the anger management issues, conflict resolution in the work context they could be biased and make unfair decisions. The other issue is that anyone who approaches human resources with the workplace bullying or anger management issues could be perceived as a threat. To be more precise, it is hard to admit that issues of this nature do happen in the work context as no company wants to be liable, should you decide to sue. Therefore, some organisation might find it unfairly more convenient to put you on a PIP and prove to you that you are no longer performing. This is of course the worst case scenario. The better scenario indeed is that you try to consider self-referring to Anger Therapy London and discuss your case in-depth, we will try to resolve this and we will prevent further damage.
In my view a competent human resources staff is someone who considers the evidence and the fact of the co-creation and tries to assist the people involved in the conflict. My experience over the years has been that predominantly human resources staff try to drive people who experience issues with aggression out. There were only a handful of cases of human resources staff who were willing to listen, collaborate and collect the evidence to get a fuller picture of what really happened that led to anger management issues and conflict escalation. In these cases, it seemed the human resources welcomed my clients’ acknowledging the wrongdoing and being proactive in trying to fix their anger issues by seeing me for anger management. The sessions helped in that in-depth assessment is carried out and a tailor-made approach is used to help the client with the anger and recommendations in writing are made to human resources based on how the issue could be solved and prevented in the future. The human resources then may decide to hire a number of professionals and check consistency of opinions and might take into the account recommendations for changes in the work context, might consider proposed mediation that is aimed at providing healthier and safe work context for all parties in the conflict involved. Having seen a few of my clients keeping their jobs following a violence in work context, and seeing them overcoming and successfully resolving a challenging conflict work situation is empowering and leads to a positive shift in the person’s personality. On the other hand, seeing clients coming to see me too late and after they made a few wrong decisions, and who are now on the verge of loosing their jobs , a situation that could have been prevented had they not left seeing me until the last minute. So don’t be afraid and try to book yourself for anger management session if you want to keep your job text/call 07 505 124 933.