Does your low serotonin drive you into anger management issues?

Low Serotonin Leads to Violent Behaviour

Low serotonin plays role in anger management issues

In previous articles, I have discussed a role interpersonal issues leading up to anger management issues and domestic violence and in today’s article I want to discuss a role of low serotonin in anger management issues. The male hormone testosterone has been long recognised to play a role and be involved in aggression but there are other chemicals that play role in anger management issues. A serotonin, a chemical that plays a role in mood regulation can play a role in increased aggressive behaviour, derived from studies on mice (Valzelli, 1973). This finding is consistent with clinical experience of clients at Anger Therapy London presenting with anger management and complaining on assessment of feeling unhappy, depressed, isolated or unsupported in their relationships. Valzelli (1973) found that four weeks of social isolation led to a drop of serotonin in the brain of male mice and to increased aggressive behaviour towards other male mice. Valzelli (1973) found that those with lowest serotonin levels fought the most. Higley et al (1996) also found that monkeys with lowest serotonin turnover acted most aggressive. The low serotonin levels playing role in high aggression and anger management issues were found in studies on people with violent behaviour and convicted of violent crimes (Virkkunen et al., 1987) and in studies on people an attempt to commit a suicide by violent means (Pandey et al., 1995). Kalat (1998) says that neuroscientists are far from understanding the relationship between low serotonin levels and aggression. The findings of relationship of low serotonin levels and high aggression and anger management issues were also in children and adolescents (Kruesi et al., 1992).


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Enhance Your Serotonin Levels

Low serotonin levels were used as a measurement of prediction of violent behaviours. In one study, people convicted of violent crimes, with low serotonin levels and after release from a prison had higher probability of committing more violent crimes (Rawlings et al., 1996). Kalat (1998) suggests that medication can be used to increase serotonin levels and prevent violent behaviour or suicidal tendencies and if you are looking for talking therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy was found to be effective as serotonin and mood enhancer Sulistyowati et al., (2016) and Roberts et al., (2014).

Booking for Anger Management Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 

CBT, solution focused therapy for anger management can elevate your serotonin levels…

This short article reviewed scientific evidence showing a relationship between low serotonin, mood chemical and aggression and anger management issues. It also indicated that psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy can play a role in elevation of the mood enhancer serotonin chemical. If you are suffering from mood swings coupled with anger management issues and looking for anger management which is solution focused and drawing from cognitive behavioural therapy please do not hesitate to contact Leona Sears at Anger Therapy London to book an appointment 02030155255 or 07505124933.