When it comes to anger management and starting again after divorce for some of us it can be a relief and a much awaited opportunity at giving ourselves another shot, making a fresh start, having learnt from our mistakes now wiser and looking forward to life and our next relationship providing that the divorce was amicable. The life after divorce can be also a fall into the abyss of uncertainty, ongoing conflict with our vindictive ex-partners, fear of what the life after divorce entails, fears and doubts whether love after divorce and at certain later age is possible.
Having been betrayed the word love can seem confusing and incomprehensible, and having completed our life projects that may have ended not how we have planned they would have and tragically, we may be left with a serious anger management issues aimed at our ex-partners who what feels like destroyed us on many levels. The word love certainly comes up often in the anger management sessions with clients during the separation or divorce period and it comes in the form of either high anxiety and desire accompanied with a fear and sophisticated yet unconscious in-built sabotage tools that assure that we remain safe and therefore far away from our next object of love and at the same time object of threat. The word love also presents itself in the anger management sessions in the form of a huge disdain and avoidance, probably a symptom of the trauma, yet still eager and powerless to somehow be. Our disintegrated selves have to be healed and integrated again, in order to love again, receive love for love is what gives us the will to live (Sears, 2011). However, the theme struggle with love when it comes to anger management sessions after divorce, is just the tip of an iceberg in the work of the anger management sessions during this transitional period in our lives.
Many clients arrive for the anger management sessions burnt fuming and erupting with angry outbursts feeling the need for retribution towards their evil ex-partners who destroyed their lives financially and that continue harassing my clients and their new partners and this can leave my clients with a serious anger management issues. Although, anger and aggression is perceived as a negative emotion, in some cases it can be also a symptom of one’s vulnerability, and therefore it has to be resolved and managed. Besides the immediate negative effects high aggression can leave on the divorcees who are too busy fighting and unable to resolve the ongoing conflict, the impact it has on the children who need their parents especially during this most vulnerable transitional period are often completely ignored and at times also used as a weapon. This is wrong, it will create a damage if not addressed with a long-term devastating and further damaging consequences which will not lead into a resolution that was ironically the goal of the divorce but to a fall into a deeper abyss.
The anger management after divorce is suitable for individuals who are divorced or going through an acrimonious divorce but also for people or ex-partners who continue being part of each others lives because of their children and who would like to learn to cope with their anger in a more constructive manner at least for the sake of their children. If you have been affected by this article on anger management after divorce, if you are struggling with a life after divorce and going through an acrimonious divorce and if you would like to receive a support please call or text and state your name, preferred day and time of your possible appointment on 07 505 124 933.